TSplus Remote Access
- Compatibility: TSplus is compatible with Windows 10 1809, Server 2019 and Server 2022 latest updates
- HTML5: improved file upload scalability and performance
- HTML5: added settings allow_server_tcp_timeout and allow_client_tcp_timeout to limit idle connections duration
- HTML5: added settings allow_tcp_count_log, max_open_tcp_per_ip and excluded_tcp_amount_ip to limit connections per IP addresses and allow_cgi_thread_count_log, max_running_cgi_per_ip and excluded_cgi_amount_ip to limit web requests per IP addresses
- HTML5: added setting W.newMenuOrder to manage top menu default button order
- Web Portal: improved RemoteApp connection security
- HTML5: mitigated Safari screen size issue on iOS 16.5.5
- Setup Launcher: fixed /SILENT regression